Ying Jee Club and Amber Four Hands Dinner Event 營致會館 與 Amber四手晚宴

Ying Jee Club will join hands with Amber with the theme of “East meets West”, Chef Siu Hin-chi from Ying Jee Club will tell the story of traditional Chinese cuisine reinterpreted with French ingredients and presentation, while Chef Richard Ekkebus from Amber will portrait innovative French delicacies with inspirations from the East. The event will take place on 24 April 2023 at Ying Jee Club and 22 May 2023 at Amber at HK$2,888 per person.
The first dinner (24 April 2023) will present a seven-course menu, with each course exquisitely designed to feature the elegance of Chinese flavors with French influence. The menu is a unique blend of French and Chinese palettes, highlighting the creativity and culinary expertise of the chefs from Ying Jee Club and Amber. A 5-glass wine pairing option is also available at HK$1,080 per person, presenting top-notch French wines in stunning Jeroboam bottles.
The second dinner (22 May 2023) will include a feast of six courses. Amber and Ying Jee Club will continue to present eclectic gastronomic experience that showcase the symphony of Eastern and French cuisine with modest and meticulous artisanal techniques.
The four hands dinner event is expected to attract food enthusiasts from Hong Kong and around the world. Guests will be able to savor a unique and unforgettable dining experience that celebrates the rich culinary traditions of France and Hong Kong.
Please call +852 2801 6882, WhatsApp: +852 5291 0503 or e-mail reservation@yingjeeclub.hk for reservation.
尊尚粵菜食府營致會館行政總廚蕭顯志將與現代法式餐廳Amber的廚藝總監 Richard Ekkebus合作,以「東西交匯」為主題,分別於2023年4月24日在 營致會館和2023年5月22日在Amber各辦一場四手盛宴,營致會館將一改以往保守作風,作出大膽新嘗試,以前所未見的方式糅合頂級法國食材重新演繹傳統經典菜式;Amber 則以東方食材為基礎,以創新扎實法式烹調技巧展現東西融合之美。
第一場四手晚宴(2023年4月24日)將於營致會館打開序幕,兩位米芝蓮星級主廚將聯手推出七道菜單 (每位2,888港元),每道菜均呈現中西交匯的特點。營致會館以法國食材和法式精緻擺盤,詮釋經典粵菜原味;Amber則將東方元素和食材融入創新法國菜,延續一貫華美風格,保證為一眾饕客帶來耳目一新的極緻享受。菜單充分融合中法技藝,展現了營致會館和 Amber廚師的創意和手藝功架。營致會館更提供5杯餐酒搭配選擇(每位$1,080港元),其中4支均以罕見的Jeroboam呈獻。瓊漿玉液佐豐腴佳餚盛宴,香醇珍饈必令一衆食客捧腹而歸。
如需訂座,請致電+852 2801 6882、WhatsApp +852 5291 0503 或電郵至 reservation@yingjeeclub.hk。